By Wayne T. Price, Florida Today
21 mar 2017
It's more economical to view sharks than to kill them, study finds
PORT CANAVERAL — At the end of each year, Capt. Joseph Smith reviews what fish most of his customers want to fish for while in Florida....

BY JENNY STALETOVICH jstaletovich@miamiherald.com
21 mar 2017
Florida sharks worth more alive than dead, study finds
A live shark swimming through Florida’s waters is about 200 times more valuable than a dead shark, a new study has found. The study,...

Por Antonio Mignucci
18 feb 2017
Delfines sorprenden a bañistas en Fajardo
En días recientes hemos visto una conmoción en las redes sociales con la visita de un delfín en la isla de Icacos en Fajardo. El delfín...

Katherine Martinko, Treehugger.com
16 feb 2017
Hawaii wants to ban chemical sunscreens to save its coral reefs
When sunscreen chemicals wash off beach-goers, they bleach coral, stunt its growth, and sometimes kill it outright. If you’re heading to...

El Vocero.com
19 dic 2016
Ecoturismo será motor del desarrollo económico
El desarrollo económico con los recursos naturales como punta de lanza está en el centro de las prioridades de la secretaria del...

25 mar 2014
MPAs and Recreation: Being a Special Place Can Be a Double-Edged Sword
Americans and our visitors are increasingly discovering the nation's oceans as a place to play. This trend is hard to miss. Any visit to...

Por Sara M. Justicia Doll
25 sept 2012
En peligro Palominito
Artistas como Johnny Depp y Penélope Cruz navegaron sus aguas cristalinas en la célebre película Pirates of the Caribbean. Es la isla...